Puppy Cuteness vs Puppy Boundaries

Puppy Cuteness vs Puppy Boundaries

Puppy parents are often overcome by puppy cuteness. And the result is that they overlook the importance of clear boundaries. Puppies explore and experiment and are insatiably curious!   If puppies get too much freedom too early and not enough supervision,...
Where Is Goldilocks When You Need Her?

Where Is Goldilocks When You Need Her?

I’m looking for Goldilocks. It could involve you, so hear me out. I’ve been cooking up an idea for nearly a year.  And now it’s about time to serve up that idea to dog peeps like you so you can sample it for yourselves! Wait. Let me back up here for a sec… If you...
Puppy Backtalk: How You Answer It

Puppy Backtalk: How You Answer It

Puppy backtalk will happen eventually.  It's one of those milestones along the way to maturity. How you answer it, however, will decide the direction it takes. Pop Quiz: What age group of kids are MOST likely to challenge authority? Too easy?? The answer, of course,...