Courses target specific topics about dog training and dog behavior.
Choose a topic that is most relevant to your current interests. Then you can register by clicking on the course links below. Some courses are free to everyone and some require a fee. Paid courses have a 30-day money back guarantee.
How to Hire a Great Dog Trainer
Sign up Free for a limited time!
Everyone wants a well-behaved dog. Therefore, many people choose to hire a dog trainer. But the problem is that too few people know enough about how to interview and choose a really great trainer. This course explains where to search, what questions to ask, red flags to watch out for, and how to spot potential abuses. You will also learn how to identify the two major categories of training methods so that you can make an informed choice about how you want your dog to be treated. This course is free to everyone for a limited time.
The First Month With Your New Puppy
Sign up before the price increase!
Raising a puppy can be a lot of work and at times frustrating. I totally understand all the trials and the joys you experience as you watch your puppy grow up! Your first weeks with your new puppy are the perfect time to begin building a great relationship with your life companion. First impressions matter and preparation prevents problems. The purpose of this mini-course is to give you a step-by-step guide through the first critical month you spend with your new puppy. It targets your most urgent concerns including:
- housebreaking,
- manners at home,
- leash walking, and
- coming when called.
This mini-course is on sale for $19 until 2019!
Dog Training Secrets of the Pros
New Course coming in 2019! Perhaps you have read a book or taken a class at your local pet supply store. You trained your dog to sit, to walk on a leash, and to come when you call. And your dog did really well in class. But when something new, unexpected, or exciting happens, he acts like you never taught him a thing!
Why do some dogs seem to “forget” what they have learned? The good news is that there's a simple explanation for why that happens. It's not that the training you did was wasted or that it failed. It's not that you or your dog are somehow to blame. The problem is that your training is still a work in progress. You made a good beginning, but you're not finished.
Serious dog people, including professional dog trainers, understand that learning is a process, not an event. I'll bet you've seen their well-behaved dogs and been impressed! I created this new course to reveal their “secrets” so that you can be that person with that kind of awesome dog!
More choices will be available in November and December 2018. Please contact me with requests. Every course is meant to serve a practical need and solve a specific problem. For that reason, your feedback helps me serve you better!