
Teach Your Dog Good Manners Free eBook

Teach Your Dog Good Manners

ByTeach your dog good manners Doing Less Work and Having More Fun

By Marilyn Mele

Claim your Free eBook Here.

If you have ever wished you had the time to teach your dog to behave better at home

but you believed it would be a lot of work,

and take too much time,

then the advice in this free eBook is perfect for you!

Training a dog is not a matter of more hard work and lots of time!

When you raise your dog as a family member,

training is part of daily life.

Do you know that 88% of dog owners make some attempt to train their dogs?

With a number like that, we should have a very well behaved canine population!

But some of our dogs don't display the behaviors we thought we trained!

That's a problem that you can fix!

And it's easy when you're having fun!

And if you're not having fun, then you're doing it wrong!

Here's what's inside your eBook:

  • How you can be a good teacher for your dog by making learning fun
  • Teach your dog not to jump on people (What your dog will do instead!)
  • Teach your dog to come when you call (Because he chooses you first!)
  • Proven strategies for fast results
  • Problem-solving games that teach your dog to think

 Did you know?

Dog playing ChessThe best way to calm a dog's energy is to challenge his brain to solve problems. 

Mental work is more exhausting than physical work.

So by asking your dog to think

about how to solve problems to earn rewards,

you will put him in a calm, cooperative, and 

focused state of mind.


Click here to get your free copy of Teach Your Dog Good Manners By Doing Less Work and Having More Fun