
The Busy Dog Owner’s Essential Training Guide Free Preview

#StayHome Free Video Lessons

over-aroused dog can calm down

Does getting your family dog to behave like the perfect pup you always hoped for suddenly feel like one more time-consuming task added to your already disrupted day? Or maybe you're feeling disoriented by more time at home than you're used to. #StayHome

Whether you are working from home, figuring out home-schooling, or just trying to adjust to a new normal, think about it this way. Busy people like you will figure it out because you already know how to manage your time!

Even so, sometimes things feel chaotic!   And yet, those random moments you are already spending with your dog can become a grounding and transforming influence for you in times of stress. There's plenty of science to prove it.

The Busy Dog Owner's Essential Training Guide is an online course that helps you take advantage of those random moments and get real results from the investment of your time.  You get a better-behaved dog in the process and your dog gets quality time from you.  All it takes is a gentle mindset shift and the simple steps that make the magic happen!

This online course will open for enrollment soon.  Meanwhile, you're invited to enjoy a free, no-strings preview

Because quality time spent with your dog is therapeutic, you're invited to view free video lessons that you can use today with your own dog. Watch how Radar, a Border Collie mix puppy, learns five essential skills.

See Radar's lessons and discover new ways to enjoy random moments with your dog!

Sign up here! 

puppy Radar

Follow Radar, a Border Collie mix puppy, as he learns five essential skills.

Watch him grow up from a silly puppy into an awesome young adult!

Sign Up For Radar's Video Lessons and Preview the Online Course for Free!