
“The answer to confusion is always no.”

When the author Donald Miller wrote that statement he was talking about communication between people. But Miller is also a proud dog lover. So I bet he'd approve of expanding it to include our dogs.  

Here's what I mean by that.

Dogs get confused when people aren't clear. We humans often suffer from the illusion that more is better.  We pile on words, words, words when the dog still hasn't figured out what we said first. 

Information overload leads to a shutdown.   The answer to confusion is always no.

I have good news for you, though! You can turn your dog's confused no into a joyful yes.  More easily than you imagined!

What does this mean for you? It means that you no longer have to feel frustrated because you believe that your dog “won't listen to you”. Even more, it means that you can actually make your aspiration for a cooperative dog a reality. And you can do that sooner rather than later.

Join me starting Monday and find out how simple it can be to change your dog's no into yes!

We're kicking off the free 5-Day Stay Home With Dogs Challenge on Monday, April 13.  You and your dog are invited to join in the daily activities:

Monday – Good Timing Gets Good Results

Tuesday –  Give-and-Take for Teamwork

Wednesday – Break It Down to Keep It Simple & Smart

Thursday – Repeat, Revise, Redirect

Friday – Succeed by Learning from Mistakes

 Signing up is simple.  Click below to sign up now for the Free Challenge and I'll also send you a PDF that explains how to avoid the 5 biggest mistakes most dog owners make without even knowing it!

Yes! I Need This!

Be Well.  Be Safe.


PS – If training the dog is one of those things you planned to do when you had more time… Well, there's no better time than right now! 

Let's do this!  We're in it together!

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